Innovative App-lication


Addy Nelson '23 was born with an entrepreneur's spirit.

她的父母在她的家乡格雷戈里开了一家保龄球馆, 南达科他——也是在那里,她完善了自己的球技,获得了圣迭戈大学的奖学金. 可以买滚球的正规平台——她很早就学会了创新、以客户为中心和商业头脑.

当她还是个孩子的时候,她是第一个在炎热的夏天在她家附近摆柠檬水摊的人. At eight, 她说服父母允许她出售保龄球馆冷藏箱里自制的可食用花束. 11岁时,她在Facebook上出售自己学会制作的珠子戒指.

So, when it came time to plan her capstone project, 纳尔逊走上了创业之路——创建了一款移动应用程序,让圣. Ambrose students by centralizing campus health information.

"Being a resident advisor, 我的许多住院医生来找我,都在与他们个人生活中的因素作斗争," Nelson said. “这让我意识到,校园资源的可用性与如何将资源传达给学生之间存在巨大差距.

“这让我思考:我个人会用什么东西,我认为我的住院医生也会用它来帮助校园里的心理健康/心理健康意识。? 我看到了一个满足特定人群需求的机会, and the idea for the app grew from there."

Nelson called it Campus+, 她一上完这门课就开始开发这款应用. She credits her honors advisor, Renee Meyer Ernst, MFA, 鼓励她去创造自己热爱的东西.

Campus Connection

In fleshing out the specifics of the app, Nelson, a marketing and graphic design major, started with the St. Ambrose Counseling Center, 允许学生与他们的辅导员见面,并提供文章和播客,以帮助和跟踪他们的心理健康, among other things.

In turn, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台可以从应用程序的使用中收集数据,以评估哪些学生需要更多的帮助, or fewer, resources.

从那时起,通过campus +添加和连接其他校园资源的想法不断发展壮大.

"As we continued our conversation, 我开始告诉恩斯特校园里其他可以得到更好解决的问题," Nelson, a first-generation college graduate, said. 这包括必须在手机上下载许多应用程序才能联系校园资源."

尼尔森说,尽管她参加了一个互动设计课程,向她介绍了HTML和编码, she initially wasn't familiar with app creation.

"Normally, when an app is being designed, 这里有首席设计师和开发人员,他们根据首席设计师的规范和方向编写代码," she said. "While the front face of my app is designed, 它仍然需要一个开发团队来使其活跃和可用."

Innovative Differentiation

尼尔森说,她很高兴有机会继续与圣. 因为她正规买球平台有哪些这对学生来说是一笔巨大的财富, professors, and the university as a whole.

With some additional design elements and specific coding, she knows the app could become a "one-stop shop" for St. Ambrose students-current and prospective.

"This [app] would allow St. 通过共同空间直接与学生联系,而不必下载五个不同的应用程序,并在多个社交媒体平台上关注程序," she said. "St. 可以买滚球的正规平台已经通过LiveSafe和Experience App等应用程序为学生的交流和安全做了很多工作, but with my app, 高中生可以互动地了解校园. This app could be a differentiating factor for St. Ambrose in branding and recruiting. It would set them apart."


To incentivize them to download the app, 学生可以用手机扫描进入建筑物,而不必携带BeeCard(在登录应用程序时)。.

大学可以发布更新、天气预警和其他安全通知. 学生们可以发布即将到来的活动,召集人们一起打排球等等.

Calendars, access to the cafeteria (meal plans, menu, Buzz Bucks), club information, 南澳大学健康与娱乐中心和校园安全只是该应用程序能够提供给学生的一小部分内容.

Just the Beginning

但就尼尔森而言,这只是冰山一角. 尼尔森说:“这个应用程序可以为任何学校完全定制。.

整个夏天,她利用自己的学位在西尔维斯的约翰迪尔(John Deere)兼职担任传播学学生, Illinois, before heading off to Savannah, Georgia, to attend Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).

Just like at St. Ambrose, 她获得了SCAD的保龄球奖学金,这将使她有可能继续攻读市场营销和平面设计的美术硕士学位.


"I love to learn new things," she said. “我的最新目标是学习如何用皮革制作手袋和钱包. Right now, though, 我知道获得硕士学位对我来说很重要,因为如果我决定成为一名应用程序设计师并经营自己的企业,它将使我走上正确的道路."

Innovation App-lication

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